The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted our businesses and our broader community in significant ways, and we know that more is still to come. The Arlington Chamber is here to support you in any way we can. Public health during this time is top priority. As we adhere to social distancing guidelines, we are as prepared as ever to support our member businesses and the broader community.
We are pausing in-person programming for a time to protect the health and safety of our members, our staff, and the broader community. But, business isn’t stopping, and neither is your Chamber. We are focusing our resources to engage with our members through virtual meeting platforms. We will continue our work to build community and support our members during this challenging time. Our advocacy work continues. Things may look a little different, but your Chamber remains committed to our vision to be the essential partner for business success.
We appreciate your understanding about the postponement of our Arlington Business Gala, scheduled for March 14. We express our extreme appreciation to the Ritz-Carlton, Pentagon City for their partnership, and to all of our vendors, sponsors, and registrants. All tickets will be valid for the new date when announced.
The March and April Breakfast Connection and Business After Business events have been canceled, in line with CDC guidance.
Committee meetings and educational events are transitioning to virtual for the time being. Please contact your committee’s staff liaison with any questions.
Virtual Ways to Connect and Support Each Other
Members are encouraged to join the Chamber’s LinkedIn group. During this time of social distancing, this is a forum to spread relevant information to the business community, and to promote your business. We encourage you to use this tool as a way to start and join conversations. This is a medium to gain new business, develop joint partnerships, and create and deepen connections during this challenging time.
We encourage you to support one another by continuing to do business with each other as best you can, while of course, adhering to the safety precautions. Utilize the Chamber’s Business Directory page on our website to find and connect with other members, and share resources in the Chamber’s LinkedIn group.
Please do not hesitate to contact the Chamber if we can be of any assistance to you or your organization as we weather this challenge together. The best way to reach the Chamber staff during this time is by email, but voicemails will be checked and responded to regularly.
Coronavirus Prevention Resources
The Chamber created and is updating a coronavirus resource page on our website, with information compiled from local, state, and national sources. We hope that you are able to use this information to take precautionary measures to protect yourselves and your teams, and to limit the spread of the virus.
Thank you for being part of the Arlington Chamber and for all that you contribute to Arlington and our business community.
President & CEO