Recent Advocacy
The mission of the Arlington Chamber of Commerce is to strengthen businesses and the economic environment for all those who work, live, and do business in Arlington. A key part of accomplishing this mission is by advocating on behalf of the business community, which we approach in a decided, intentional, and strategic manner.
For more information call (703) 525-2400 or email [email protected]. Examples of the Chamber's recent advocacy efforts may be found below:The Arlington Chamber supported the amended use permit for Tyndale Christian School, which would increase the maximum enrollment for the school so that it would have the sufficient number of students to remain viable in Arlington.
The most crucial action that the County Board can take on the adoption of the Final Area Plan is to concurrently adopt the Zoning Ordinance and GLUP amendments that will create and implement the Plan’s land use designations and planning processes. For the Plan to have the desired positive impact, simultaneous adoption of the Plan and the package of these amendments is essential. The Chamber asks for a higher base density beyond 1.5 FAR to incentivize cost-effective development along the corridor. We also urge the County to include language that assigns a value to the creation and retention of small businesses to be used in the bonus density calculations.