Looking to take your Chamber involvement to the next level? Join a committee! Committees are a great way to broaden your network of contacts while learning about issues that impact your business and your community. Deepen your involvement by participating in the committee that best suits your goals and interests. Time commitments vary by committee and the extent of your involvement. Most meet once a month. Participation is free and available to all employees of member businesses and organizations.
*Indicates that application is necessary
Not sure which committee is right for you? Contact [email protected] or (703) 525-2400 to discuss which committee to join.
*Indicates that application is necessary
Not sure which committee is right for you? Contact [email protected] or (703) 525-2400 to discuss which committee to join.
Ambassador Committee*
Chair: Rick Reinsch, Digital Recollections
Staff liaison: Mike Rosenow
The Ambassador Committee encourages participation in the Chamber by contacting new members. The goal of the committee is to strengthen the Chamber membership by making every member feel welcome at Chamber events and encouraging them to become involved. The Ambassador Committee is by application only after one year of membership; if interested, please contact Mike Rosenow.
Community Action Committee
Chair: Jennifer Davies, Animal Welfare League of Arlington
Staff liaison: Marty Barnard
The Community Action Committee raises the business community’s awareness of nonprofit organizations and their needs and focuses its efforts and energies on addressing those needs by connecting the business community with the Chamber’s more than 100 nonprofit members.
Education & Workforce Development Committee
Chair: Dr. Liza Durant, George Mason University
Staff liaison: Will Mulligan
The Education and Workforce Development Committee works to foster relationships between education and business to meet the 21st-century workforce development challenges. The committee meets to discuss strategies that will prepare Arlington students for a career, continued education, or citizenship, and then advises the Chamber on those strategies. The overall goal of this committee is to enhance Arlington’s ability to keep and attract talent and to help businesses grow and prosper.
Gala Committee
Chair: Ivy Horan, MGI Corporate Gifts
Staff liaison: Marty Barnard
The Gala Committee works to ensure the Annual Arlington Business Gala is a huge success every year. This event is a celebration of business in Arlington, and serves as the Chamber's largest fundraiser, helping us continue our mission of strengthening businesses and the economic environment for those who work, live and do business in Arlington. As one of the largest Chamber events of the year, committee members support the Gala by helping to secure silent auction donations, sponsorships, and ticket sales. Committee members are able to leave their footprint on Arlington’s Best Night Out, show their support for the Chamber, while also making new, lasting connections with fellow members.
Government Affairs & Economic Development Committee
Co-Chairs: Scott Pedowitz, AOBA, and Tad Lunger, Impresa Legal
Staff liaison: John Musso
The Government Affairs & Economic Development Committee advances ideas, policies, and legislation that strengthen businesses and the broader economic environment. Chamber members stay informed on emerging local, regional, and state public policy issues by interacting with the government officials who speak at committee meetings. The committee drafts the Chamber’s annual Public Policy Positions for consideration and approval by the Board of Directors.
Hotel General Managers Committee
Chair: Flavia Sampaio, Residence in by Marriott - Rosslyn
Staff liaison: John Musso
The Hotel General Managers Committee keeps abreast of issues impacting the travel industry. The committee is also the venue for hoteliers to interface with the Arlington County Visitor Service to provide support and input on the best use of public marketing dollars to promote Arlington tourism. The committee identifies issues within the hospitality industry, and works to solve them with the full Chamber's support. Meetings exclusive to general managers of Chamber member hotels, are quarterly, and are typically hosted by a committee member.
LeadShare Networking Groups*
Tuesday Group: Co-chairs: Keshaun Clark, MainStreet Bank & Joe Prentice, Monument Home Loans; Staff liaison: Will Mulligan
Wednesday Group: Chair: Jennifer Mulchandani of Arlington Strategy; Staff liaison: Mike Rosenow
Thursday Group: Chair: Carol Singer, Arlington Promotional Products, LLC; Staff liaison: Will Mulligan
LeadShare provides introductions and warm referrals to member businesses and business leaders within the Arlington community. The group meets to build relationships, share best business practices, and discuss types of clients and opportunities members are targeting. There are many benefits to joining LeadShare including building your speaking skills, being supported by other businesses in the community, and having access to resources to help you and your business grow! Provided as a free member benefit of the Arlington Chamber of Commerce, any member is eligible to participate in LeadShare. However, participation in the group will ultimately be limited to one vertical industry per member. The Chamber maintains a waiting list for additional interest.
Membership Development Committee*
Chris Lipscomb, Founders Bank
Staff liaison: Mike Rosenow
The Membership Development Committee actively seeks new members and follows up with prospects. The goal is to strengthen the Chamber membership by talking with those whom they know and are interested in the Chamber. Actively participates in monthly Chamber networking events.
Membership Engagement Committee*
Chair: Janel Giambrone, M&T Bank
Staff liaison: Will Mulligan
The Membership Engagement Committee serves as a resource to all Arlington Chamber of Commerce members by connecting with them, communicating engagement opportunities, and working with each member to identify which opportunities best fit their objectives by helping them to determine ways to maximize their membership. Committee members provide an annual touch point for each member, ensuring that the member has a resource to help them connect with the Chamber opportunities that will best align with their objectives.
Chair: Rick Reinsch, Digital Recollections
Staff liaison: Mike Rosenow
The Ambassador Committee encourages participation in the Chamber by contacting new members. The goal of the committee is to strengthen the Chamber membership by making every member feel welcome at Chamber events and encouraging them to become involved. The Ambassador Committee is by application only after one year of membership; if interested, please contact Mike Rosenow.
Community Action Committee
Chair: Jennifer Davies, Animal Welfare League of Arlington
Staff liaison: Marty Barnard
The Community Action Committee raises the business community’s awareness of nonprofit organizations and their needs and focuses its efforts and energies on addressing those needs by connecting the business community with the Chamber’s more than 100 nonprofit members.
Education & Workforce Development Committee
Chair: Dr. Liza Durant, George Mason University
Staff liaison: Will Mulligan
The Education and Workforce Development Committee works to foster relationships between education and business to meet the 21st-century workforce development challenges. The committee meets to discuss strategies that will prepare Arlington students for a career, continued education, or citizenship, and then advises the Chamber on those strategies. The overall goal of this committee is to enhance Arlington’s ability to keep and attract talent and to help businesses grow and prosper.
Gala Committee
Chair: Ivy Horan, MGI Corporate Gifts
Staff liaison: Marty Barnard
The Gala Committee works to ensure the Annual Arlington Business Gala is a huge success every year. This event is a celebration of business in Arlington, and serves as the Chamber's largest fundraiser, helping us continue our mission of strengthening businesses and the economic environment for those who work, live and do business in Arlington. As one of the largest Chamber events of the year, committee members support the Gala by helping to secure silent auction donations, sponsorships, and ticket sales. Committee members are able to leave their footprint on Arlington’s Best Night Out, show their support for the Chamber, while also making new, lasting connections with fellow members.
Government Affairs & Economic Development Committee
Co-Chairs: Scott Pedowitz, AOBA, and Tad Lunger, Impresa Legal
Staff liaison: John Musso
The Government Affairs & Economic Development Committee advances ideas, policies, and legislation that strengthen businesses and the broader economic environment. Chamber members stay informed on emerging local, regional, and state public policy issues by interacting with the government officials who speak at committee meetings. The committee drafts the Chamber’s annual Public Policy Positions for consideration and approval by the Board of Directors.
Hotel General Managers Committee
Chair: Flavia Sampaio, Residence in by Marriott - Rosslyn
Staff liaison: John Musso
The Hotel General Managers Committee keeps abreast of issues impacting the travel industry. The committee is also the venue for hoteliers to interface with the Arlington County Visitor Service to provide support and input on the best use of public marketing dollars to promote Arlington tourism. The committee identifies issues within the hospitality industry, and works to solve them with the full Chamber's support. Meetings exclusive to general managers of Chamber member hotels, are quarterly, and are typically hosted by a committee member.
LeadShare Networking Groups*
Tuesday Group: Co-chairs: Keshaun Clark, MainStreet Bank & Joe Prentice, Monument Home Loans; Staff liaison: Will Mulligan
Wednesday Group: Chair: Jennifer Mulchandani of Arlington Strategy; Staff liaison: Mike Rosenow
Thursday Group: Chair: Carol Singer, Arlington Promotional Products, LLC; Staff liaison: Will Mulligan
LeadShare provides introductions and warm referrals to member businesses and business leaders within the Arlington community. The group meets to build relationships, share best business practices, and discuss types of clients and opportunities members are targeting. There are many benefits to joining LeadShare including building your speaking skills, being supported by other businesses in the community, and having access to resources to help you and your business grow! Provided as a free member benefit of the Arlington Chamber of Commerce, any member is eligible to participate in LeadShare. However, participation in the group will ultimately be limited to one vertical industry per member. The Chamber maintains a waiting list for additional interest.
Membership Development Committee*
Chris Lipscomb, Founders Bank
Staff liaison: Mike Rosenow
The Membership Development Committee actively seeks new members and follows up with prospects. The goal is to strengthen the Chamber membership by talking with those whom they know and are interested in the Chamber. Actively participates in monthly Chamber networking events.
Membership Engagement Committee*
Chair: Janel Giambrone, M&T Bank
Staff liaison: Will Mulligan
The Membership Engagement Committee serves as a resource to all Arlington Chamber of Commerce members by connecting with them, communicating engagement opportunities, and working with each member to identify which opportunities best fit their objectives by helping them to determine ways to maximize their membership. Committee members provide an annual touch point for each member, ensuring that the member has a resource to help them connect with the Chamber opportunities that will best align with their objectives.