Arlington Advocacy on Planning
Examples of the Chamber’s advocacy in Arlington on issues related to planning include:
The Arlington Chamber supports the County Board re-adopting the Pentagon City Sector Plan, which was passed in 2022 following robust community conversation, and was voided due to a technical issue in the original advertisement. The Chamber supported the Plan in 2022.The Arlington Chamber supports the re-adoption of the Pentagon City Sector Plan, which was passed in 2022 following robust community conversation, and was voided due to a technical issue in the original advertisement. The Chamber supported the Plan in 2022. The Arlington Chamber supports the ordinance before the Planning Commission that allows for buildings in Rosslyn to have greater density than a 10.0 floor area ratio (FAR), which is currently the limit for buildings in Rosslyn. The Chamber supports the Melwood Special GLUP Study, which would redevelop the site at 750 S. 23rd Street to deliver a new facility for Melwood and new affordable housing, and asked the County Board to adopt the GLUP Study document.