Frasier Crane once said, "As humans we have the tendency to freeze people in the moments that are most comfortable for us." Anybody that's a parent can tell you that's true. My goddaughter will forever be that little "peanut girl" I remember from her infancy. My mother will always be that young (and slightly immature) woman that I remember from my youth. And in my own mind, my friends and I will never have to warm up or cool down before we exercise.
As National Cybersecurity Awareness Month has now come to an end, I challenge you to take baby steps to begin understanding your own IT. If you would have no idea what to do if your computers at work demanded that you turn over 30 Bitcoin, I urge you to take your cyber protection seriously. Chances are, you have a plan for what you'd do if your business burned to the ground. Why not have a plan for your cybersecurity? Technology isn't going away and it's only going to get more complicated. Don't stay helpless in the vast cyber world. The bad guys are counting on it.