Of course, the first response is to sponsor and/or donate to these non-profit organizations and yes, that is much appreciated, much needed and much requested. But there are several other ways to help these arts organizations grow and thrive.
Patronize and Tell Your Friends and Colleagues: Go see a show, exhibit, concert, opera, or anything presented and hosted by an Arlington non-profit arts organization or artist. There is so much to choose from that surely there is something for everyone. And to make it extremely easy for you, you can find a comprehensive Calendar of Events in consecutive order by date on the Embracing Arlington Arts website. Invite your friends, family and colleagues to come with you. If you are on social media, check in on Facebook when you are at an event so others can be made aware of productions being offered in the County. Tweet about a production afterward and urge others to go. Include a painting or artwork in an Instagram posting. The goal is to help spread the word about all the quality arts and cultural offerings in Arlington, thereby increasing the number of “butts in seats.”
Pro Bono Services: Are you an accountant? A lawyer? A marketing guru? Do you have any other skill set that non-profit organizations might need or use? If so, maybe you could offer your services for free to help these non-profits. It comes as no surprise that budgets for non-profit arts organizations are extremely tight. For them to not have to pay for an accountant, a lawyer, a marketing consultant or other professional would greatly help their bottom lines and enable them to offer even more productions and events throughout the year.
The benefits of companies partnering with the arts will certainly lead to a culturally richer community which benefits everyone from students to children to seniors to Veterans to the disabled and everyone in between. And a culturally richer community means happier residents, employees, friends and children – who could ask for anything more. If you want more information about the many multifaceted and quality artists and arts organizations in Arlington, we are happy to help! In the meantime, keep “embracing Arlington arts.”