There are two primary reasons why individuals do not achieve their goals: 1.) Lack of real desire; and 2) No plan to get there.
A burning desire requires examining the reasoning behind the goal and the motivation to accomplish it. Decide what you want to achieve, set priorities and be 100% committed.
Planning allows a person to map out a course in a realistic way. Motivation means nothing if it is not set into action.
Important elements of planning:
- Maintain flexibility
- Plan for interruptions
- Expect the unexpected
- Anticipate, anticipate, anticipate
“Procrastination is the art of keeping up with yesterday.” - Don Marquis, American humorist, journalist
Time management is about setting priorities- not time itself. The key is not to prioritize what’s on your schedule, but to schedule your priorities.
For further reading on time management, take a look at the following Harvard Business Review articles:
“Make Time for Time” at:
“8 Ways Not to Manage Your Email (and 5 and a Half Tactics that Work)” at:
Next in the series on Time Management: “The Powerful Pull of Human Nature on Time Management”