Did you know Arlington has one of the largest populations of 25-34 year olds in the region? According to a study performed by Arlington Economic Development, 45% of the current Arlington population is comprised of young professionals. What does this mean for our community?
The young professional population will not be dwindling anytime soon. Arlington has one of the fastest growing young professional populations. How can we ensure that these young professionals become an active part of our community? Their voices and opinions shape Arlington’s future.As the Baby Boomers retire from upper-level positions, there are not enough Generation X’ers to fill their spots – nor do they necessarily want to hold the upper-level positions. As a result, young professionals are moving up the ladder quickly.
Arlington is fortunate to already have a sufficient crop of trailblazers who are showing impact personally and professionally through their exceptional leadership. Celebrating these devoted leaders who are committed to making our community a better place to live and work helps to inspire their successes. Young professionals in our area are already developing strong social and intellectual capital in the region.
Kate Roche was promoted to the President & CEO of the Arlington Chamber of Commerce at the age of 29, following the retirement of Rich Doud who had been with the Chamber for over 23 years. “I have a lot of drive in me,” Roche stated in an interview with The Washington Post. “Anything I do, I’m going to do to my utmost ability.” The community’s reaction to such a young Chamber President was extremely positive. Arlington is ready for our young professionals to shape the community.
Additionally, young professionals are focused on making meaning, not just making money. According to Roche, “One of the things going through the search process [for a new Chamber President] that they said made me stand out was my true passion for the organization. I feel so strongly about the Chamber and all the great work we do, but I would never work anywhere where I didn’t feel strongly about the mission and what the group was doing.” This is a common characteristic among young professionals.
Leadership Arlington believes that our community is filled with enlightened, inspired and connected leaders. As an initiative of this organization, it has formed a regional Young Professionals.
These are our next generation of leaders, and they are a valuable resource. The future successes of our community rest on our investment in our young professionals. Program to jumpstart their community engagement and civic and philanthropic involvement. From 2000 to 2010, the young professional population in the Rosslyn-Ballston corridor alone jumped 44%. Between 2007 and 2013, Arlington saw this population grow 82%, the largest increase in the county.
These are our next generation of leaders, and they are a valuable resource. The future successes of our community rest on our investment in our young professionals.