In December of 2012, after living and working in Arlington for ten years, I finally joined the Arlington Chamber of Commerce. Aside from working to help individual Arlingtonians get strong and healthy, I was looking for a way to be more involved in the business community—to meet more people and to be better known. All I can say now is, What the heck took me so long?!
Photo - Ginny Wright accepts her 2013 Best Business Award, presented by 2013 Chamber Chair David DeCamp.
Having relocated to Arlington in 2002 with three school-aged kids, I’d been living in my own little exercise world trying my best to grow my small business – BbG Fitness. Slowly but surely, over the past ten years I’ve established deep roots in Arlington. When local schools were looking for help, I readily donated a month of free outdoor fitness classes. I discovered the Arlington Food Assistance Center (AFAC) and got my clients on board to help with our annual Battle of The Classes to see who could collect the most donations. I’ve proudly worked with many of Arlington’s great schools and non-profits to donate certificates and promote their events.
But an unexpected thing happened to BbG almost as soon as I became a Chamber member; I was nominated for and won a coveted Best Business Award. Who knew that this small business would qualify to win anything? While difficult to quantify exactly how many new customers have joined BbG as a result of the award, I can say unequivocally that it has had a very positive impact on my business.
It was exciting to see my photo with other winners in the Sun Gazette and on ARLnow after the awards breakfast. Many other Arlingtonians must have seen it too, because BbG’s “Try A Class” inquiries have almost doubled since the award was publicized!
Shortly after winning the award, I got a call from the editor of ARLnow congratulating me on my achievement and asking if I’d be interested in writing a bimonthly article for the e-zine. So, as a result of joining the Chamber, BbG Fitness is now front and center among Arlington fitness companies!
Joining the Arlington Chamber is by far the best business decision I made in 2012. So far, I’ve gotten involved by attending the Annual Business Gala, agreeing to work on the Gala committee, attending a few Back to Basics seminars, and now writing this guest blog post. My goal for next year is to get even more involved in Chamber activities to spread the good word and recruit new members. In fact, my next article will be aimed at helping my fellow Chamber members lead healthier lives.
Thank you, Arlington Chamber of Commerce, for helping BbG Fitness grow and become better known in our great community!
blog, business plans, business resources, community, connections, membership,networking, opportunities, professional development