For some time, the Chamber’s leaders have discussed how to support this core value and purpose of our membership. As a result of the Chamber’s strategic plan, we are launching a truly exciting upcoming initiative: ShopChamber. The Communications Council has been instrumental in developing the program including the branding as well as the outreach efforts.
The ShopChamber campaign will be rolled out over the next several months. You will see a campaign designed to directly encourage member-to-member business, referrals and support of Arlington businesses. ShopChamber will go beyond retail merchants and benefit all member businesses and organizations.
Whether you're planning an event, buying or remodeling a home, renting and furnishing an office, seeking tax or legal advice, going out to dinner or shopping, our members offer excellent products and services for all your professional and personal needs. We can and should encourage and support each other – after all, why not do business with your friends and the people you trust? Best of all, when we “shop” our local community, and specifically Chamber members, we directly promote and stimulate a strong and vibrant local economy.
Each month the ShopChamber program will spotlight Chamber members within a particular industry. The Chamber will share and promote all members’ involvement on our website, in our weekly electronic newsletter, in our monthly print publication, our Chamber blog and via our social networks using hashtag #ShopARL.There will be tool kits, information, and lots of ways to participate in and support the program. The goal is to create excitement and buzz around these businesses to help drive sales.
Keep an eye out on the Chamber website for a ShopChamber calendar and Member Directory for a complete member list. Most of all, let’s all keep the concept of ShopChamber top of mind as we pick where to eat, shop, work and play. That is the best way to support each other, our Chamber and the Arlington community as a whole.