If the media is to be believed, Millennials are an employer’s worst nightmare. But whether you call them Generation Y, GenWhy, or Echo Boomers, they areconfident, connected, and open to change. Are you ready to leverage this valuable pool of workers?
The key to debunking the media myth is in recognizing that Millennials can help, not hinder, your business. They are:
- The most culturally tolerant work force population, appreciating and leveraging diversity like no generation before them.
- Social media and tech-savvy gurus—able to absorb and apply the latest trends, leverage new technology, and apply out-of-the-box thinking to IT challenges.
- Collaborative by nature, happy to work in teams and share what they know to create successful ownership and adoption of new ideas and processes.
In addition, Millennials are great listeners who value the insights of older, more experienced workers; especially when given a chance to have their own voices heard. Encouraging patience where they want to make a quick impact, and teaching the fine art of discerning the right time and place for their contributions, is imperative. But how do organizations foster communication and productivity when you have so many different points of view? And how do we encourage diversity appreciation when it is about age and not gender or ethnicity?
The United Nations recently published an internal memo suggesting that intergenerational tolerance and integration could be achieved through expanded diversity training. Getting new and seasoned workers on the same page creates a more productive workforce. Which means less “storming” and more “performing”.
Every generation has a particular set of traits that make them unique. Millennials bring valuable work skills and energy to the table, making them poised to become your business’s greatest resource.
Are you ready to let them?