Looking for a way to get in the holiday spirit? Most restaurants these days have something set up for you to donate money that they can prepare and deliver to the hospital, fire house, food bank, or any other place you would like. This trend has come about due to Covid 19. Many restaurants have this set up and can even put your money together with others in the community to make these food donations. Many restaurants offer the food at a discount or even do some kind of match with the funds.
This year for the holidays, I am asking my friends and family that exchange gifts with me to instead donate that money to buying food for their local family shelter through a local restaurant. With the pandemic this year, many families are finding themselves in need of help. A quick search of restaurants giving away meals will help you locate the right place. Keep in mind that big chains tend to get the most publicity for donations, you may want to check in with your favorite local spot to see how they are contributing.
There are so many great groups out there that it would be impossible to name them all, but a quick search can give you a great list to find something near and dear to your heart and that everyone eats. Our restaurant friends have plenty of food and unfortunately plenty of time on their hands these days in most cases. It is a win win to help keep your favorite restaurant afloat while getting in that holiday giving spirit!