The focus for this month includes nutrition and maintaining the progress that you’ve already reached these past couple of months. Nutrition plays a major factor when it comes to improving and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. During the hot days in the summer, try cutting up fresh fruit while being out in the sun. Hot summer days mean there’ll be a lot of sweating, thus increasing your chances of becoming dehydrated more quickly. The good thing about fruit is that it’s made up of mostly water and all natural sugars, therefore encouraging proper hydration and sweet tooth satisfaction.
Try baby carrots, celery, and bell peppers paired with hummus to give variety and different flavors. Other vegetables to eat on the go could be snap peas, cucumbers, and green beans. At the bottom of this blog, there’s a link attached on how to pair raw vegetables, which ones to eat, and how to take them on the go! Packing 1-2 servings of fruits and 1-2 servings of vegetables will help you obtain the recommended servings based on Healthy People 2020, which is a set of recommendations developed to help increase overall health, decrease injuries, prevent diseases, and increase quality of life.
Staying hydrated is important in general, but even more so in the summer. For the same reason that you should eat fruit, you should be drinking water. Drink one 8 oz. glass an hour to keep your body cool on hot days. Not a fan of water? Hard to stay hydrated? Try infused water! Choose any of your favorite fruits and let them sit in water before drinking it. The longer the fruit sits in the water, the stronger the flavor. Infused water has great benefits as well! You can put almost any fruit in water or non-flavored sparkling water to get the desired flavor or taste. Other benefits of infused water are improved digestive health, mood/energy levels, and weight loss. Infused water could make drinking water easier and more enjoyable for anyone. More benefits about infused water will be provided at the end of the blog.
Maintaining your progress becomes most challenging when on vacation. Ways to stay active during your vacation include walking as much as possible, doing one active activity with your group, or exercising 50 percent of the days. Some examples of some workouts that could be done are 10-minute core workouts, circuit workouts, cardio workouts, or High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT). Incorporating exercises into your vacation can get the competitive vacation goers in on the workouts as well! One idea could involve a timed circuit workout that encourages everyone to participate and compete. Any of these workouts can be found online. Maintaining your regular workout routine on vacations means it’ll be easier to keep up your progress and you won’t have to worry about trying to “get back into it."
Sticking to your workout and nutrition routine is important all year. Hopefully with some of these tips on how to keep up all the hard work you’ve put in, you learned how to enjoy your summer while staying committed to your health and fitness. The work doesn’t stop in the summer but continues in the winter. Use these tips to help with stay on track through the holidays and beyond!