As the principal real estate agent of Mendenhall Properties, I am frequently questioned about how folks can better sell their home in our great community. This takes hard work, a lot of planning, and a team of professionals to help you through what can be a tedious process. As Mendenhall Properties gets ready to celebrate its ten year anniversary in a few months, I’ve come up with a few tips and insight along the way to help my clients stay ahead of the game and proactive:
1.) Have a house consultation. At Mendenhall Properties, first we walk through the home first with an experienced, local home-inspector to review the property. This is the first step because it allows the home inspector to identify any major unforeseen issues that may arise during an inspection. There should be no surprises at all during a buyer home inspection; however, this process ensures that you cover all of your bases.
2.) Check for creepy crawlers! This step is important, yet often overlooked. No one wants to walk through a house with termite markings on the walls or remnants of unwanted house guests. Ask your real estate professional to have a termite inspection. You may not think that you need it, however, those critters can get into hidden nooks and crannies in your property that you may not even know exist.
3.) Staging consultation. No house is perfect, not even yours. In order to prepare your property for prospective buyers, schedule a staging consultation for professionals to go through your home. They will inform you on how organize your furniture, which lighting to use during a viewing and how to accent your property’s best features. It’s like a personal stylist before a big event – you want to look your best. You can request a report immediately after the meeting to include new paint options, as well as repairs that may need to be done, all of which are completed with a timeline.
4.) Make your home picture perfect. Online photos are key. 98% of buyers are looking online. If you have a poor photographer, your listing may suffer because of it. I can’t even begin to tell you how many Arlington homes I see with photos that look unprofessional. As upsetting as it may be to most of you, smart phones are not a proper source of photography. Pictures need to show off your home, which makes this a crucial stage.
5.) Plan ahead. This tip bears repeating: Even if you’re thinking about selling your home in two years, meet with an experienced real estate agent early on to help you through the process. The more work you do in advance, the less stress you will have later on with putting your house on the market.