There was a time in ye old Virginia, when individuals were taxed on their possessions, or “tangibles.” In the 1600s, it was the Sheriff who noted a person’s chairs, beds, silver, farm equipment, and other assets. The Sheriff, too, received the tax payments. Over much time, tangible tax for individuals was eventually replaced by a vehicle personal property tax. Today, individuals no longer pay tax on their non-vehicle possessions, but businesses still do. And today, it is the Commissioner of Revenue who makes assessments, with whom you file, and who performs audits. It is the Treasurer’s Office who sends the bills for taxes and receives the payments. The Sheriff is no longer in the tax business.
Businesses must report property that is owned, leased, or in their possession in Arlington as of January 1. All Arlington County businesses must file a Business Tangible Property Tax Return with the Commissioner of Revenue each year by May 1. There are a few exempted items, and the Commissioner’s website can help you learn what those are. Payments are due each year to the Treasurer’s Office by September 5.

Last year:
- The Commissioner of Revenue assessed taxes on over 7,900 Business Tangible Tax accounts
- The largest single Business Tangible Tax payment paid was over $4 million
- The smallest single Business Tangible Tax payment paid was under $9.00
- The Treasurer’s Office received over $37,800,000 in Business Tangible Tax payments
The money received from the Business Tangible Property Tax goes into the County’s General Fund to help pay for schools, roads, parks, emergency services, and many other important and wonderful benefits we get from living and working in Arlington.
Whether you are a paint-color consultant who works from home with only a phone, laptop, printer, and paint chips, or a hotel owner with hundreds and hundreds of beds, nightstands, lamps, and mini fridges, you will need to file and pay Business Tangible Property Tax. Setting up a profile with the Customer Assessment and Payment Portal (CAPP) is a great way to pay bills, receive bill reminders, file taxes, view assessments and online payment history, manage automatic payments, and update account information. Great for individuals, and great for businesses, too!
Treasurer’s Office: https://departments.arlingtonva.us/treasurers-office/
Commissioner of Revenue: https://departments.arlingtonva.us/cor/
CAPP: https://capp.arlingtonva.us/